Monday, October 17, 2011

Summer flashback: Stone Motion performances

At long last, here is a short video from the June opening of the Stone Motion exhibit, featuring John Mahan, Barry Miller, Spencer Lewis, and Eddie Freund (plus audience participation :).

Friday, September 23, 2011

September 2011 Meeting Minutes

Creative Collective Meeting 9/18/11, 2-4 PM
Barry, Erica, Malia

1. Sharing inspiration and stories behind the work in the gallery:  Music…the human form…self-portraits…current events…symbolism of blue sky… discussion of relationship between origin and interpretation of artwork

2. What’s going on with the Collective? It’s time for our second annual self-examination to determine how we want to move forward!  Last fall it was a broad survey of all the e-mail list to determine the interests and needs of the community; this time the “core” membership must engage in the discussion.
For next meeting, please think about these questions for discussion:
REFLECTIVE QUESTIONS (some different ways to frame):
Think about your role in the Collective.  Would you like it to be different/bigger/smaller?  How could it [realistically] change?
What IS working for you about the Collective?  What might help it work better for you?
What is the value of the Collective for you?  How could it more valuable to you?
What are you contributing to the Collective?  What are you getting out of it?
How do we want to focus our meetings—planning shows? Sharing work? Making art?  Something else?
If we have a show after this one, how should it be done?  Theme?, list of tasks and deadlines, other planning… Fall Show scheduled through 10/28
What is the actual membership—list of paid, current members?
Treasurer’s update—what funds are available, what has been spent and on what?
Labels—for Artists’ Market, gallery shows: we need to get consistent about this!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Call to Artists!

Plans are afoot for the Creative Collective's first annual Fall Show, open to all area artists.  It will open with a reception from 5 to 7PM on Friday, September 16 and run through October 28 in the Kimball Room Gallery at the White River Craft Center.  For more details, info or questions see the registration form or e-mail the Collective at gmtncollective(at)

Click here to access a registration form.

Monday, August 22, 2011

August 2011 Meeting Minutes

Barry, Bonny, Ken, Kevin, Malia, Sandy, new members Pam Druhen and Andrew Davis

Pam talked about her fiber art (like painting with a sewing machine!) and showed examples on business cards

Ken shared a possible conflict re: the name Green Mountain Creative Collective: the Green Mountain Cultural Center uses the same acronym

Ken shared examples of intake form for hanging art at town hall—ready to accept work
·      *adapt form for Craft Center use?
·      *Contact Cindy Spaulding or Gary Champy to show at Town Hall

Upcoming Events:
·      *Sculpture Symposium next Sat. 8/27—local sculptors can present work (10-15 min), will have computer projector set up, audience members invited also, lunch included
·      *VT Watercolor Society next show at Chandler, starts 9/30

Collective Show Fri. 9/16 to Fri. 10/28
·      *Opening or closing reception?  Opening reception, Friday 9/16 5-7PM
·      *Theme?  No—open local artists show, not just members
·     * Register by 9/10, drop off on 9/13 & 9/14 (10AM-1PM or 3-6PM each day)
·      *Closing Fri. 10/28, pick up work between 10 and 3
·     * Call to Artists—e-mail list, blog, Mindy Jackson, posted physically, 7 Days..?
·      *Poster—Andrew will help design and post
·      *$10 fee, separate from membership fee, for publicity costs

Pick up/closing potluck for Stone Motion on Sunday 9/11 at 11AM-- tentative

Tour of Café area

Artists Market
·      *Work should be labeled with artist’s name, price, contact info
·      *Andrew/Malia will create and print label template on card stock
·      *Get listing in Herald’s calendar section (after next show?)

Herald article upcoming—talk to Martha Slater tomorrow (Monday 8/22) at 3PM
·      *Sandy will call; Barry, Sandy, Bonny (?) and Malia (?) will meet at WRCC

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Creative Collective Flier

For some reason this has been hard to post, so if the images can't be seen, check back again later-- I'll keep trying different file formats!

July 2011 Meeting Minutes

GMCC Meeting 7/17/11
Kevin, Barry, Ken, Malia, Sandy, Kathy, Eva

Discussion of Karen Petersen’s exhibit at Chandler Gallery and unveiling of her new public sculpture

Idea of getting together with other Randolph galleries to coordinate leaf-peeping tourism season—Ken will contact other galleries re: fall event, general joint brochure

Contacting people on e-mail list—Malia will give list to Ken to call personally

“Art from the heart of Vermont”—have painted hearts at galleries?

Next exhibit at Craft Center a GMCC member show this fall?  To coincide with Craft Center open house and/or café opening also?
·                            Proposed date: opening reception September 17 through end of October
·                            Poetry slam?

Future show concept: “Something Funny”

Publicity—how (some might ask whether??) to get more people involved in the GMCC and to come to shows and events
·                      Facebook & other social media
·                      Seven Days
·                      Vermont Art Zine--
·                      Vermont Life Magazine
·                      VT Dept of Tourism—tourist flyer racks
·              how to link to The Vermont Travel Planner
·                     Valley News
·                      Three Stallion Inn
·                      Randolph Area Chamber of Commerce, Randolph website
·                      Brochure—John Lutz?
·                     What doesn’t appear to work to get the word out?  Herald, e-mail, posters

Zimet Art Project has work at the Shelburne Museum this summer, will be doing demonstration on Sunday 7/24’s Circus-palooza event

Sally Penrod show at Korongo Gallery July 22-August 28, opening Friday 7/22 5-7PM
Round Barn photography show opens August 1—Ken’s 5th year participating, sells well there

Artist’s Market—need info for each artist’s work (Ken will make up a form), labels (consistent format—coordinate with Susan Rockwell, Kevin will purchase vellum)
·                         Still room for new artists—current work can be consolidated as necessary, and new walls will            become available
·                         Need small postcard-sized artist’s statements with contact info to mount with artwork, longer bio for binder

Other keys to a gallery’s success:  renting studio space, on-site art classes, on-going grants, publicity

Friday, July 15, 2011

Stone Motion!

The weekend of June 25-26 was an especially creative one at the White River Craft Center, as people gathered to appreciate and share art, music, story, ritual and community in the gallery and on the grass.

Ian and Avery check out the art (and the refreshments ;)

Kathy demonstrates watercolor "stonescapes"

Holly talks to Erica about her video installation

Wink and Bonny watch the video

Barry chats with Mallie and her visiting friend

Tammy shows us how she weaves a basket around a stone

Alexis is in motion doing a graphite drawing

Jeanne, Nancy and Mallie return from viewing the Arts Bus and the labyrinth

Kathy and Spencer play the chimes while walking the labyrinth

John and Barry, getting ready to play

An appreciative audience

The clouds parted over the Craft Center during the outdoor performances on an otherwise rainy day

Storytelling and song with Eddie

Snacking, relaxing and playing guitar while Meredith gets ready on Sunday

Spencer's music is good enough to eat

Zain gets into the act

Meredith talked about the meaning of the labyrinth and made music with Barry (along with Zain and other helpers) while people walked among the stones.

Thank you to everyone who participated in whatever way, and especially to Barry for getting an idea and making it happen!

Check back for Stone Motion video, coming soon...

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June 2011 Meeting Minutes

GMCC Meeting 6/19/11
Alexis, Barry, Bonny, Eva, Ken, Kevin, Malia, Mallie, Sandy, Susan, Tammy

Discussion of fees and finances—membership ($10 annual) vs. specific show (additional fee for promotion), purpose of fees

Next exhibit in Gallery? (name? “Kimball Room”?)
*Stone Motion ends July 29
*Weaving Studio and café will be available as exhibit space in the future also
*rent gallery space to individuals or groups?

Leaf-peeping season- organize local galleries for an “Art Walk” concept
*second Open Studio weekend planned but deadline has passed—Tammy or Susan will follow up
*plan a show in conjunction w/ WRCC Open House

Flyer ready to hand out by July 10 to recruit artists from Chandler Area Artists Show to join GMCC or show work at WRCC
*list of benefits/opportunities: Artists’ Market, shows in gallery, camaraderie, etc.
*Sandy & Malia will create flyer

Importance of, options for fiscal record-keeping
*open acct for organization (req. tax ID #, officers, etc.)
*piggy-back on WRCC
*use a personal acct
*shoe box

When artwork is sold, money paid directly to artist, who gives 25% to WRCC

Town Offices—another display opportunity
*Patrick is ordering hanging system to display 15-20 pieces
*Talk to Ken if interested

Artist’s Market guidelines:
*Artist’s Statement—mount on mat board (Sandy has some), attach w/ blue tape or tack’n’stick
*lively debate about whether work should be framed—decided on “presented professionally” and in a way that doesn’t damage the walls (no tape or tacks, able to hang from gallery clips or Walker system hangers)
*no “offensive” content; artistic nudes OK

Stone Motion—hanging this week, opening next weekend
*Sat. 6/25 demos—Kathy painting stonescapes, Tammy weaving basket, Alexis graphite drawing
*stone labyrinth will be created this week and available for the opening event

Getting the word out:
*Seven Days—can we get Stone Motion in?  Someone needs to crack the code!
*Mindy Jefferys, artist w/ big e-mail list (is she on ours?--yes)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 2011 Meeting Minutes

GMCC Meeting 5/15/11 2:30-4:30
Barry, Bonny, Dave, Erica, Eva, Ken, Malia, Marjorie, Sandy

Fascinating discussion of accompanying the dying :)

Explanation for newcomer of Stone Motion, GMCC, Artists’ Market idea

Guidelines for Artists’ Market: amount of space allotted—10x10 foot units, or large/medium/small units that rotate on a (quarterly?) basis

Participants in Artists’ Market: Ken Goss, Sandy Waldo, Dave Hurwitz, Erica Sears, Malia Timmerman, Eva Zimet, Bonny Willet, Barry Miller

Post on blog a registration form so people can join the GMCC & the Artists’ Market (Malia will post)

Stone Motion:  poster discussion, press release review, talk about pre-publicity timetable, events

Membership fees paid to Treasurer Ken!

Next meeting:  GMCC Sunday 6/19 2-4 PM [note: this is Father's Day-- is that a conflict for anyone?]

Stone Motion show hanging Saturday 6/18 or Sunday 6/19—Barry will call participants to confirm

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Call to Artists

Chandler Gallery Call to Area Artists! 

            Chandler Gallery's Area Artist Show will take place from May 28 - July 10. Work from artists will be accepted on Tuesday, May 24 from 3 - 7 pm and Wednesday, May 25 from 9 am -12 noon. The opening reception for artists will be held on Saturday, May 28 from 7 - 9 pm and the artists and community are invited to come enjoy the wide diversity of art on display and participate in this vital gallery tradition. 

            The local Artist show has always been an open call exhibit, with the guarantee to hang at least one piece from each artist who submits work for this celebration of artistic talent in our area. This exhibit features new work from established artists as well those who are exhibiting for the first time. 

            This year's exhibit theme is "eARTh". Artists may submit up to three pieces in any size or media. There is a small participation fee of $10 to cover advertising and reception expenses. Chandler takes a 30% commission on any work that is sold. Works may be submitted that are not for sale. All work should all be framed or submitted in a way that allows them to be easily hung or displayed. Please do not submit works that have been shown at the Chandler Gallery in the past.

Gallery hours are Thursday 4-6 pm, Saturday and Sunday 1 - 3 pm.

For more information, please contact Betsy Cantlin at 802-431-0204 or

Monday, April 18, 2011

April 2011 Meeting Minutes

Stone Motion Meeting 4/17/11, 1-2 PM
Barry, Erica, Eva, Holly, Kevin, Malia, cousin Mike, Tammy

Shared work (music, text, photocopied drawings, painted stones) & ideas
Stone Motion exhibit scheduled for June 25-26 at the WRCC
Gave feedback on poster design in progress—Malia will photograph stone

GMCC Meeting 4/17/11, 2-4 PM
Barry, Erica, Kevin, Malia, Patrick Texier, Sandy, Tammy

Craft Center has a corner studio for rent, $250/month (could be shared by up to 3 people)

Korongo Gallery— Friday April 29, 5-7 PM Phil Godenschwager exhibit opens
  •  Will be open Sundays, closed Monday-Tuesday starting in May

Weavers Guild exhibit May 14-29 at WRCC, interested in art (ideally fiber arts but open to suggestions) for the walls of the halls and lounge
  •           Erica and Tammy have work to contribute
  • ·      Rug-hooking?
  • ·      Peaceful Hearts quilters, Sue Schoolcraft, Alice Wakefield—Kevin will contact
  • ·      Knitting? Sandy will talk to them
  • ·      Alexis?
  • ·      Fee (no)/commission (yes, 25% commission to WRCC)
  • ·      Who will hang the show?  Participants themselves; Kevin, Barry, Sandy, Erica might be able to help/coordinate
  • ·      Show hung prior to May 14 during business hours
  • ·      Labels—Susan Rockwell; need to buy more vellum labels
  • ·      Will not be separately advertised; but will include Open Studio weekend so should provide exposure
  • ·      Picture rail will be installed in hall and lounge prior to Weavers Guild show

Membership application: revise registration form from Inaugural Show?

E-mail list: should it be blind? Active members vs. complete mailing list

Change meeting time for summer?  Poll the Collective… third Sunday, change to Monday evening? 
  • ·      Next meeting Sunday May 15 2-4, overlapping Weavers Guild show that ends at 3 (or 2:30-4:30?  Malia will contact Susan Rockwell)

Leadership questions:  someone needed to chair meetings, set agendas, or do it collectively
  • ·      Ken has volunteered to work as membership chair & treasurer
  • ·      Malia will continue to help with communications (e-mail, blog, minutes)

Future shows—should plan ahead; themes?
  • ·      Art Resource Association—a model for how to host self-hung, self-curated shows as they do in City Center, Montpelier
  • ·      “rent” wall space to individual artists for a period of time—commission to WRCC if any work sold, GMCC membership gets access to wall space, “Artists’ Market” concept rather than a unified show; need guidelines
  • ·      Send e-mail: come to next meeting to show work as part of the Collective wall, or to sign up for solo wall space

Sunday, March 20, 2011

March 2011 Meeting Minutes

The Collective met briefly this afternoon and covered the set agenda items, here is a summary:

Membership - Ken Goss:
     He will send out a reminder to all mail list recipients regarding membership to the collective.
     He will assume responsibility of the treasury post.

Blog Update - Malia:
     Malia demonstrated how to access the blog, post comments etc. Check it out, thank you Malia.

Spring cleaning/painting - Sally:
     Several of the collective members volunteered to do some sprucing up at the WRCC and had 2 painting days last week to refresh the entry/hall way.  Next the Lounge...  Some money ($500) has been donated for new furniture, more is needed, the goal is $2500 by April 1, 2011.  Donations gratefully accepted, just write a check to the WRCC and send it to Sally Penrod, Stock Farm Road, Randolph, VT 05060.

Stone Motion - Barry:
     A group of artists will be meeting at Barry's home next week to further explore this creative path, call Barry for more info 728 2055.

New Business - All:
     The suggestion was made that a collective representative attend the WRCC Board meeting in the future.
     Several upcoming events events and Gallery openings were discussed.
     Ken brought in a new piece of work for us to view and explained the process used to achieve the product.
     Sandy has relinquished the "chair person" responsibilities, the opportunity is available to anyone, or could be shared on a rotating basis.

Next Meeting April 17, 2011 2-4PM at WRCC.

Happy Spring!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Closing Reception Highlights

The event was well attended by about 25-30 artists and friends.  Several new members shared their current work and creative path and answered numerous questions.

Remy Lary from Rochester discussed his passion for carving birds of prey and his techniques using tupelo wood.  He brought a Northern sowett owl as a sample (I hope I got the name correct!).

 Alexis Kyriak from Northfield shared her sculpting process using fimo clay, plus her fiber art.

Ted Danforth talked about her pastels and the evolution of her career in art.  She will also be showing her work this Spring at the Gifford Medical Center exhibit space, make sure to see it.

The show ended on a successful note for Gene Parent with a sale of one of his pieces.  The Collective will be meeting on the usual third Sunday of the month at WRCC from 2-4, join us.  We gather to share new work and cover any topics of interest to the group...  see you there.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

GMCC in the Herald

This is the unedited text of the Randolph Herald article about the Green Mountain Creative Collective that ran on February 10.  Thank you Sally and Sandy for keeping the GMCC in the news!

Approximately a year ago, in an effort to make better use of its evolving space and facilitate creative connections, the White River Craft Center invited a group of people to brainstorm the needs of local artists.  

Initial meetings were exploratory.  Some of the interests and needs identified included a forum for getting to know one another, share work, motivate and support each other; and a venue for showing works.  Since that time, the group has met each month at the Craft Center and has recently chosen the name Green Mountain Creative Collective to create an inclusive identity and to provide ongoing support for artists in the community.

The Creative Collective is currently running its first show at the Craft Center, and will host a closing reception Sunday, Feb 20 from 2:00 to 4:00.  Shown is work by 17 artists – including oil and watercolor painters, sculptors, textile artists, potters, photographers and musicians.  Future events under consideration include informal hands-on sharing of talents, additional group shows, and community celebrations.

Kimball House, home to the WRCC, has enjoyed a long history of involvement with the town of Randolph, through its associations with VTC, RTCC, the Department of Labor, Orange County Parent Child Center, Prevention Partnership, Vermont Weavers’ Guild, and now the GMCC.  WRCC has long been home to artist and craft studios, first at its Westin Street location, and now also in Kimball House. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

January 2011 Meeting Minutes

Notes from meeting 1/14/2011
Present: Sally Penrod, Tammy Wight, Kevin Harty, Susan Rockwell, David Hurwitz, Barry Miller, Ken Goss, Bonny Willett

Ongoing Art Show: To take down or leave up?
  1. It was decided to leave the show up for now and to have a closing reception of 2/20 at 2pm with a general meeting to follow at 3pm
  2. Melia to pursue publicity with the Herald (maybe an article) and to e-mail artist’s and members.
  3. Sally to ask Bob Eddy to photograph the reception and art
  4. Set-up Ken Goss and Kevin Harty, Barry Miller
  5.  Clean-up Sally Penrod, Tammy Wight, David Hurwitz, Susan Rockwell

March Art show postponed due to conflicts with scheduling for artists, etc.
Barry Miller offered to do a show “Stone in Motion” for that time slot.

Membership:  $10 for year of membership (Jan-Jan) was decided by members present.  This would entitle members to exhibit their work in the gallery. 
Artists would be asked to pay next meeting or whenever new members are joining.
Ken Goss announced that we a new member. Ken will pursue people on our interested persons list re’ joining the guild with personal notes.

Gallery Space: The large gallery space would re reserved for revolving shows.  Though there is limited wall space, movable partitions could be used for art as well.
Living room space: could be reserved for pieces of art from regular members and could be ongoing.
Publicity: we discussed that more publicity was probably needed re the venue and discussion planned. 
Evening use of the living room space for other events was also discussed

Following the meeting those present went down to the gallery walk at Chandler.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy 2011!

The Green Mountain Creative Collective kicked off the new year on 01/01/11 with an event at the White River Craft Center.  Barry Vermont invited everyone to come share their creative work, from art to music to writing to storytelling to leading an activity.  There was a little bit of everything and a lot of great food packed into the first afternoon of 2011.

Bonny Willet provided these photos of some of the amazing music that was made that day by Barry Miller playing with John Mahan (both pictured), Chris Martin, Spencer Lewis and John Zuefle.

Malia Timmerman brought a candy sculpture project to share, and in collaboration with the Zimet family's mini-marshmallow building materials, it yielded some very creative structures (some more structurally sound than others!).  Malia built a spirit house for her brother, which she completed decorating at home and liberated in a bonfire the next day (click here for "liberation" photos).

 As it left the Craft Center
"Spirit House for Sean", completed on 1/2/11

Many thanks to Barry for a great inspiration, to the White River Craft Center for providing the space for it to blossom, and to everyone who participated in whatever way.  This may need to be an annual event!