Creative Collective Meeting 9/16/12, 1-2 PM
Alexis, Donna, Ken, Malia
Open Studio weekend, October 6 & 7, 10 AM to 5 PM— Ken
has 3 artists who will be bringing new work
Weaver’s Guild meeting same weekend as Open Studio, so need
to move artwork out of Kimball Room Gallery space
*Meet to move artwork this Friday 9/21 late morning
*Send reminder to all artists in Artists’ Market to swap out
work prior to Open Studio; encourage participation; 2012 dues; artists studios
for rent at WRCC
*Publicity for Collective & Figure Drawing—Seven Days
*Work with SPA, Burlington City Arts, other arts
organizations to promote our programs—who will establish contacts?
Art in the Park idea—town will support with permission from
the Selectboard, insurance rider for event only; possible to hold it at
Branchwood property or in town hall parking lot
Alexis’ shows coming up: 9/28 at Knitting Studio in
Montpelier and 10/7 Benefit Auction at the Round Barn in Waitsfield
Bethel Town Hall Show opens 9/22—looking for artists to
participate, submit work Wed. 9/19 from 5-8 PM